Thursday, September 16, 2004

Finally! A reason it's good to turn on the tv...

Yeah, I don't really believe that...HOWEVER...I should have turned on a movie this morning--I thought of it, but then I noticed how cute the boys were being. "Aww...they're being so creative in their play. I'll leave them to it." Famous last words!!! A few moments later, I could hear them. They were sitting on the stairs and it sounded like they were throwing crackers down to the landing. So I investigated. Yup. That's what they were doing. I asked them, more calmly then I felt, why they were doing that. They were very pleased with themselves..."feeding the birds!" That's great...THERE AREN'T ANY BIRDS IN OUR HOUSE!!

And that's the most recent installment of "Reasons my kids are the most tornado-like mess makers on the planet." And the almost-annoying part is that when part of their punishment is to clean up their own mess? They LOVE it. You would think they had won a prize..."I'll sweep it up, and you use the dustpan, okay?" Or when they wrote all over the walls last year--they happily spent most of that day washing the crayon marks off.


Well, at least they're willing to help clean up.
I swear to GOD I have the weirdest kids ever created.

And now they're quietly watching The Jungle Book 2.
I guess letting them be couch potatoes occasionally is good for them--and ME.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only a mother would recognize what crackers being thrown at the landing sounds like without having to actually see it first.

At least they're caring, eh?


10:18 AM, September 17, 2004  
Blogger Bored Housewife said...

yeah, at least. little turkeys.

1:45 PM, September 17, 2004  

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